5 MISTAKES To Avoid When Setting & Planning Your Goals - Goals Part 2 | Ep 5

“We're married to the mission, not the model. Sometimes we can get so hung up on HOW we're going to get things done, that we forget WHY.”

Welcome to the Jesus Coffee Yoga podcast, where we help you build a life and business you love as a Christian yoga or fitness instructor. 

In this episode we continue our exploration of goal setting, focusing on practical strategies and common pitfalls.

If you missed part 1 (Episode 4), make sure you go check that out first, then come back here for part 2 where we’re going to discuss 5 mistakes that people often make when setting and planning their goals. 

Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and let's chat!


(3:28) - You need to know where you're going in order to come up with a plan to get there

(5:04) - Kristen's goal setting process

(7:59) - You just have to start and trust God to guide you if you get off track

(9:01) - 1. Avoid changing things that don't need changing

(11:46) - 2. Avoid being rigid in the HOW

(12:43) - We're married to the mission, not the model

(14:23) - 3. Avoid setting too many goals

(17:10) - 4. Avoid “setting & forgetting”

(19:53) - Have your goals visible and review them frequently

(22:47) - Even your social media posts can (and should) tie into your goals

(26:29) - Time blocking & building in time for specific things

(30:47) - 5. Avoid doing things that are not in alignment with your current season of life

(33:21) - Trade offs

Resources mentioned:


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