Peek Inside The Minds Of Other Yoga Teachers: Answering Your Questions! | Ep 6

Are there questions you wish you could ask a seasoned yoga teacher?

I know I have found myself, and maybe you have too, wanting to ask questions to someone who’s more experienced than me, but maybe I felt they were silly, or I was afraid to ask, or just didn’t know WHO to ask. 

In this episode we’re going to take a peek into the mind of a yoga teacher. Several weeks back we sent out an anonymous form to our yoga teacher community and gave them the opportunity to ask us ANY question. 

We had some great questions come up, and thought we’d take some time to talk through our answers with you in case YOU have a similar question. 

We cover topics like: 

➤ Conforming your classes to someone else’s “rules”, ideals, or preferences.

➤ How to make your classes more valuable. 

➤ How much cueing is too much.

➤ How to handle language barriers with students.

➤ Adjusting your classes to fit the 1 vs. the many (i.e. you are teaching a hot yoga power class and a beginner comes in). 

➤ Fear that your classes or what you have to share will “fall on deaf ears” (putting yourself out there, vulnerably sharing what God has put on your heart). 

➤ Fear of online training (both taking online training and offering online classes).

➤ The value of feedback, how to get it, and what to do with it. 

…and more!

So if you're curious to peek inside the mind of a fellow yoga teacher and get a veteran teacher’s take on some common questions and fears, this episode is for you. 

So grab your coffee, find a comfy chair, and come chat with us.


(3:21) - 1. You don't have to follow other people's rules

(9:16) - 2. Cueing, language barriers, & unsafe positions

(16:37) - 3. How do you handle feedback?

(23:37) - 4. How to make your offerings more valuable

(34:41) - 5. Cater the class to the one vs the many

(37:37) - 6. Dealing with fear or shame around online trainings/offerings

(44:18) - 7. If you're afraid to teach, share, and put yourself out there


If you know another Christian yoga teacher who could use some help and encouragement in their teacher practice, would you please share our podcast with them? 

We’d love to reach more people and sharing it with your teacher friends would mean the world to us!

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